Created 2-Sep-24
Modified 25-Jan-25
Visitors 52
20 photos

Alive at Night - Phyllis Hollifield

Architectural abstract 2 Dick Wood

Cedar Bog Wild Flower-Carol Shurlow

The Chain - FBegun

Clothing Optional - Phyllis Hollifield

Fall Colors-RobF

Food Court - FBegun

Heavy Clouds - Fohl

Intentional Subject Motion-Jay Heiser

Last Dance - Dale Berlin

Living on the Edge - Gerry Allen

Newark Ohio Laundry Dick Wood


Salmon River - Dale Berlin

Sea Arch, Ireland- Gerry Allen

The Light Inside-Jay Heiser

Trillium-Carol Shurlow

What Once Was - Fohl

Snowy Egret Plumage - Rick Barteldt

Owl Finches - Rick Barteldt