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Created 2-Jan-14
Modified 11-Sep-23
Visitors 62
41 photos

nights end 1-Hugh Saint-Amand

Ungodly Hour--Hugh Saint-Amand

Once in a lifetime-Carol Shurlow

Snow roll at sunrise - Jim Snyders

Snow roll on the farm - Jim Snyders

Seen Better Times -YeagerTorre

Frozen in Time-Carol Shurlow

Rain Time Ash Cave-Ted Stone

Night Time Fontains at Vegas-Ted Stone

Yesterday's News-YeagerTorre

keepin' time - george clark

Bed Time_Kala Estes

Another Time_ Kala Estes

1920's flapper Dick Wood

Dishes in an old farm house Dick Wood

It's About Time - John Enterline

old time - george clark

Step Back into the Darkroom_Ria Waugh

The Moment it Freezes_Ria Waugh

When Time Stopped - John Enterline