Created 2-Sep-24
Modified 17-Dec-24
Visitors 44
34 photos

"Lucky Bird" double exposure - Sharon Andrews

A Walk In The Rain - Bill Arneson

Catch Me If You Can - cherry williams copy

dancing turbines _ABN7255

Falling Leaf_LRosen__Z723824

garden flurry _ABN9413

Grandview Race Day - Charles Bowdle

"LeVeque Tower" double exposure - Sharon Andrews

Petals of Summer - Karen Scott

Lake Michigan Shoreline - Bill Arneson


Maple Tree (ICM) - Tim Patterson

My Head Is Spinnng-Warren

Old Road bed_LRosen_Z729811

Monet's Prairie - Karen Scott

Race to the Center Tree IMG_8024 by Donnie Robertson

Race You - Sharon Telatnik


Somewhere in Time-Linda Alvarado

Streetlight - cherry williams