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Created 25-Nov-13
Modified 11-Sep-23
Visitors 40
49 photos

MemorysOfMaine_Anatoly Shamson

AmishStill-life_Anatoly Ashamson

Boston Diner - George Bleimes

Sorrento Sunset - George Bleimes

Wire Coral Shrimp - F Begun

Arrow Blenny - F Begun

Shoe & Purse-Carla Whipps-Shadwick

maryjanes-Carla Whipps-Shadwick

Eclipse-Kirsten Lehtoma

Pick a Pepper-Kirsten Lehtoma

Nature Trail - Jim Mitchell

Ebb Tide - Jim Mitchell

mum backwards is mum Frank Darr

preening Frank Darr

Out the Window

Chiculli's Artichoke- Boris Rudkevich

Fall leaves-Boris Rudkevich

Smell the Salty-Fanya Rudkevich

Woods - Fanya Rudkevich

LunchInterupted_L Rosen