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Created 2-Jan-14
Modified 11-Sep-23
Visitors 37
47 photos

Sound - The Call of the Wild - R. Marquardt

Sound- The Fiddle - R. Marquardt

Ka-Boooom - Charles Bowdle

Silent Flight - Charles Bowdle

Phone Line Chatter - Sharon Telatnik

Silence at the Drive In - Sharon Telatnik

morning light and shadow frankdarr

breath sounds-carla whipps shadwick

Silent Waterfall-Cheri Brent

Wish You Were Here - Cheri Brent

Singing for Her Treat Fohl

Noise - Fohl

Stillness in the African Bush_Ria Waugh

The Accordion Player_Ria Waugh

Bright Notes - Burry

The Sound of Falling Water - Burry

silent tears-carla whipps-shadwick:decreased

drumline frankdarr

