Created 2-Sep-24
Modified 9-Dec-24
Visitors 42
18 photos

A simple view from Ponte alle Grazie - Phyllis Hollifield

The Path Not Taken - fbegun

Cosmic Motion-Jay Heiser

Autumn Brilliance - Rick Barteldt

Cobra Acceleration - Rick Barteldt

Fair Motion - Fohl

FIRE! - Gerry Allen

Genevieve Jones Preserve-Carol Shurlow

Holiday on Ice-Jay Heiser

ICM Abstract #1-Whit Martin

ICM Abstract #2-Whit Martin

Magic Mushrooms - Rob Formentelli

Ocean Blur - Rob Formentelli

Pergola - Gerry Allen

dia de los muertos - fbegun

Strolling thru Cinque Terre - Phyllis Hollifield

Traffic and Traffic Lights - Fohl

Woodland Lake-Carol Shurlow