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Created 14-Aug-17
Modified 11-Sep-23
Visitors 36
65 photos

-20180305skunk cabbage-125

-20180329b&w butterfly-224-Edit

-20180409egrets b&w-643

50 Miles Through the Mountains-V Warren

Lower Grotto Falls - Brett Brotherton

Buckeye Shake - Brett Brotherton

Leaping Deer - Jay Heiser

A Splash of Poured Pearls-carla whipps shadwick

B-17- Bruce Goldsmith

Balancing Act--Lehtoma

Ballet Met at Bicentennial park -- -- -Jim Snyders_edited-1

Bicycling through Lavender in Provence Roberta Kayne

Birds in Flight-Kathy Wagner

Blowing Bubbles on Bastille-Day-Roberta-Kayne

Bluebird in flight --= Jim Snyders

Boy Scout Flag Burning Ceramony-Carol Shurlow

Car On The Curve - Sharon Telatnik


Dragon Fly on Pink Lilly-Carol Shurlow

Skate boarder at the Comfest - Dick Wood