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Created 10-Aug-15
Modified 11-Sep-23
Visitors 48
57 photos

Farmhouse Door - Fohl

Balloon Lady - Fohl

Old Shed in the Rain - CheriBrent

Out to the Sea - Cheri Brent

Hong Kong at Night-Bruce Goldsmith

Hungry Panda-Bruce Goldsmith

Roof Line - Burry

Portland Salmon - Burry

Quiet Contemplation

Best Friends

Let petals fall where they may--carla whipps shadwick

Come Hither,Ladies--carla whipps shadwick

clown anemone fish (Pulau Weh Sumatra) - Audrey Begun 8890

mother and baby orangutan (Borneo) - Audrey Begun 7469

Happy Together - Charles Bowdle

Terraced Tulips - Charles Bowdle

Melbourne Central Shopping Centre-Jay Heiser

Abandoned House-Jay Heiser

Splash - Kathryn Kempke

Morning Rose - Kathryn Kempke