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Created 14-Aug-17
Modified 11-Sep-23
Visitors 25
59 photos

Graceful - Donna Winters

Asian Festival-Ted Stone

Aurora Boreallis Norway Larry Kennedy .

Backlit Bunny-Jay Heiser

Battle Critique 1863 - Charles Bowdle

Beauty in the Weed - Sharon Telatnik

Before the Game - Sharon Telatnik

Reminder of my Mom - Kathryn Cubert

Butterfly+Glass-Ted Stone


Christmas Cactus by K.Adams.2017_IMG_3788

Color Pop_Laurie Stevenson

Color Wall OSU-J Harvey

Curly Q - SDay

Boudior Pose-J Harvey


gliding on top of the world - Donna WInters


Gold in West Virginia - Dale Berlin

Great Blue Heron - Tim Patterson