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Created 14-Aug-17
Modified 11-Sep-23
Visitors 54
39 photos

Cobblestone Alley D.Coulter

Lil_Cowboy LRosen

Beauty and a Beast - Marivi Magan

Black Saddlebags Skimmer Dragonfly 2017.K.Adams_IMG_7632


Eden-Bruce Goldsmith

Goose Reflections 2016.K.Adams_IMG_4152.Franklin Park

Harry Kempke-Infrared

Riding_Shotgun LRosen

Ready to action- BORIS Rudkevich

Chihuly glass-BORIS Rudkevich

Kathy Cubert - Serenity-2

Harry Kempke-Please be Safe

Koala Comfort-DayS-1

Mangrove Beauty Butterfield

Melissa Knox_Fragrant Cocktails20170830_175914

Newark Courthouse at Sunset- Tim Patterson

Perc heron at the State Fair-Jon Harvey


Relaxing at Varazdin Croatia Gate; Larry Kennedy

Guestbook for September 20, 2017 Gray OPEN
Marcia Savage(non-registered)
The guestbook is empty.