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Created 14-Aug-17
Modified 11-Sep-23
Visitors 30
32 photos

A Sunny Day at the Capitol D. Coulter

Climbing Grandma's' Fence D. Coulter


Daddy Time...K.Adams 2016_IMG_6223

Don't hang on? You gotta be kidding_LRosen

Dude, when I grow up I want to play like you --Kent Larsson


Fist Bump_Tim Patterson

Flower friends...Linda Williams

Freedom of Speech. McCorkle

Grandpa Holding Court - Kathy Wagner

Metaphorically Speaking - Kathryn Cubert

Conversation Japan Erickson

Old and New Japan Erickson

Mah Jong-Bruce Goldsmith

Marivi Magan_Calm Before the Storm

Marivi Magan_Just Getting Warmed Up

Mirror images..Linda Williams

New Friends...K.Adams 2017_IMG_9418

No Privacy - Kathryn Cubert