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Created 10-Aug-15
Modified 11-Sep-23
Visitors 18
34 photos

Nuclear Future-Kirsten Lehtoma

Corner post-Kirsten Lehtoma

mother and baby grizzly Katmai Alaska -Audrey Begun

red eyed green tree frogs mating Costa Rica Ossa-Audrey Begun_1541

faculty club windows -Audrey Begun_0425

giraffe mother licks baby face-Audrey Begun_7116

Two Great Blue Herons-Boris Rudkevich

Raven at Grand Canyon-Boris Rudkevich

Partners - Charles Bowdle

Family Affair-CharlesBowdle

Broom in the making - Sharon Telatnik

Tree Frog -Frank Begun 1326

Lorikeet Love -Frank Begun 0080

Reflection in B Minor - Debbie Knight

Intersection - Debbie Knight

In The Mirror _ Sharon Telatnik

Essence of Cat - Lou Haskell

His Life Just Changed FOrever - Lou Haskell

Ghost Town COllection - Lou Haskell

Did you blink again? - Lou Haskell