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Created 24-Aug-22
Modified 11-Sep-23
Visitors 29
40 photos

Mystery Lady -- J. Chunko

11:21:22Autumn Glace' --carla whipps shadwick

A Hug - Phyllis Hollifield


Desert Moonrise- Gerry Allen

Enjoying the cold-almost_Sue Day

Falling-Linda Alvarado

Forest in Black and White - Sharon Telatnik

Geometry in Sossusvlei - R Kayne

Gone Fishing - Sharon Telatnik

Gotta Luv an Imperfect Pigtail - Phyllis Hollifield

Gray 2nd A Walk in the Woods - Tonya Sekerak

Grey 2nd I Adore You-Tonya Sekerak

Grey 4th Ready-Aim-Fire-Tonya Sekerak

Grey-5th-Tonya Sekerak-Corkscrewed


Sunbeams Erickson

Ironman - Phyllis Hollifield

Light at the End-Linda Alvarado

Menage a trois-TonyaSekerak-Gray