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Uploaded 11-Apr-16
Taken 8-Apr-16
Visitors 23
20 of 55 photos

Ted Stone-Showing Off

File name :DSC_4212.NEF

File size :4.5MB(4677263Bytes)

Date taken :2003/10/15 20:56:43

Image size :3008 x 1960

Resolution :300 x 300 dpi

Number of bits :12bit/channel

Protection attribute :Off

Hide Attribute :Off

Camera ID :N/A

Camera :NIKON D1X

Quality mode :HI (5.4M Raw Compressed)

Metering mode :Center-weighted

Exposure mode :Aperture priority

Speed light :No

Focal length :90 mm

Shutter speed :1/20second

Aperture :F4.0

Exposure compensation:0 EV

White Balance :Auto

Lens :90 mm F 2.8

Flash sync mode :N/A

Exposure difference :0.0 EV

Flexible program :No

Sensitivity :ISO400

Sharpening :Normal

Image Type :Color

Color Mode :Mode I(sRGB)

Hue adjustment :3

Saturation Control :N/A

Tone compensation :Normal

Latitude(GPS) :N/A

Longitude(GPS) :N/A

Altitude(GPS) :N/A

Ted Stone-Showing Off