McDonald's Still Life - Bill Arneson
A guilty pleasure is a McDonald’s Sausage McMuffin with Egg. Not the healthiest fare, but great taste at a reasonable price. There is a McDonald’s nearby and I periodically take one home to have with some fruit to make the breakfast (perhaps) a little healthier. This photo is an effort to use this fast-food in a period formal food still life, along with the fruit I usually eat with it when available - mandarin oranges and grapes. I used the oil paint filter in PS to give it a mild painterly appearance. It was shot with the light on the right side for quite a bit of contrast to fit the period look. Regular LR editing with +24 temperature for increased warmth.
FUJIFILM X-T4, f/18 @ 55 mm, 5s, ISO 160, No Flash
©Bill Arneson